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Press Release PRESSEMEDDELELSE: Status på Shen Yuns forestillinger som reaktion på KKP-virus (COVID-19)
As we face the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, it has become ...
Press Release PRESSEMEDDELELSE: Shen Yun kommer ikke fra Kina, forestillinger fortsætter planmæssigt
Shen Yun is not from China and the shows will continue as scheduled.Shen Yun kommer...
Nyheder 7 måder Shen Yun genopliver autentisk kinesisk kultur på
For five thousand years, China’s glorious culture inspired the world. Find out how...
Nyheder Beyond the Notes, Episode #1: Dunhuang
Far out along the Silk Road, at the edge of the Gobi Desert, a Buddhist monk stops to take...
Nyheder Bag kulisserne med Shen Yun: Intro til Bag noderne
Har du nogensinde spekuleret på, hvad der gør Shen Yuns musik så...
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Nyheder Bær elegancen fra 5.000 års historie
Gennem dynastierne tjente mode til at udtrykke en guddommeligt inspireret kultur. Shen...
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Nyheder Hvad gør Shen Yuns dans speciel?
Shen Yun presents classical Chinese dance in its purest form...
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Nyheder Et nyt niveau af kontrol
What does it take to lift one’s leg as easily as an arm? How do you remain...
Nyheder Feature Article: Principal Dancer Angelia Wang
Treasuring every role, every performance, and every precious opportunity.