Learn Misforståelse 4: Det gamle Kina var tilbagestående og undertrykkende
Even though ancient Chinese society never formed a constitution, Confucian ideology...
Learn Misforståelse 3: Ikke at se bag overfladen
As an example of needing to see past the superficial aspects of Chinese culture, when...
Learn Misforståelse 2: Shen Yuns danse om Falun Gong er “politiske”
Shen Yun uses performing arts to present stories that bring to life the inner essence...
Learn Misforståelse 1: “Men da jeg var i Kina så jeg …”
In today’s China, the Communist Party may sponsor performances or exhibits that...
Learn Partikultur og kunst
The Chinese Communist Party, with its Marxist-atheist ideology, sees traditional...
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Learn En introduktion til traditionel kinesisk kultur
In traditional Chinese culture, the connection to the divine was understood in every...